PhD Award 2018
The Association of Advanced Porous Materials (Advapor) is to offer a €3000 award to the “best” PhD completed in the field of Advanced Porous Materials. Defense must occur before June 2021.
The decision will be made by the steering team of the Advapor association and “best” will be judged on both technical merit and potential impact within our growing industry.
The award is designed to support the winning candidate in the presentation & publication of their work. The award will be announced at the 2020 Aerogel Seminar at the Technical University Hamburg, Germany (September 2020).
Any candidate wishing to apply for this award must submit a concise summary of their work to by the 31st July 2020.
Summary should include
- Thesis Title
- Research establishment name & supervisor/s
- Detailed Abstract (2 pages maximum) in English
- Duration of the work
- List of associated publications
- Supervisor letter of support
- Contact details of applicant
Products & Applications
ADVANCED POROUS MATERIALS (ISSN: 2327-394, American Scientific Publishers) is an international peer-reviewed journal, launched in 2013 and edited by Professor Ajayan Vinu of the University of South Australia. It publishes research papers on the fundamental aspects, synthesis, characterization and applications of micro, meso-, nano- and macro-porous materials. The journal also offers reports on the energy and environmental applications of advanced porous materials that address problems arising from climate change.
You can read reviews, full-length papers and short articles on: zeolites, zeotypes, metal organic frameworks, layered materials, porous carbons, nitrides, metals, polymers, phosphides, chalcogenides, transition metal oxides, hydroxyapatite, gels, fibers, ceramics, glasses, membranes, and thermoelectric materials, mesoporous silica, amorphous and crystalline mesoporous metallosilicates, mesoporous hybrid materials, nanocomposites, porous organic molecules, graphenes and open framework materials; their applications in catalysis, sensing, adsorption, separation, drug delivery, magnetism, battery, supercapacitors, solar cells, nanodevices and fine chemical synthesis.
Each edition is available to download or to read online at